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025: 50 things I'm grateful for

1. Being at the University of South Carolina and in the major I enjoy

2. Having a job working in the business school 

3. Good health - being able to do what I want and enjoy the life I live

4. My family - having loving parents, siblings, and dogs to visit

5. Being able to run and exercise

6. The high from a good workout 

7. Coffee

8. Sunrises and sunsets

9. Living in our modern world - technology, medicine, standard of living 

10. How poverty levels are the lowest in recorded history 

11. Spending a day on the beach with good company 

12. When a band plays great live music and gets the crowd to get up and dance

13. How fast you can connect with anyone in the world online

14. Being able to fly around the globe at affordable prices

15. The different culture and knowledge that exist today (every person in the world has something to offer)

16. Sunny summer days with a small breeze

17. Sense of sight - seeing a blue sky, green trees and grass fields, and the colors of life

18. Sense of smell - smelling linen, a home cooked meal, a new car, or a beautiful perfume

19. Sense of hearing - listening to birds chirp in the morning, crickets at night, the trickle of rain, or chords of a piano

20. Sense of touch - the warmth of a blanket out of the dryer, texture of a nice bath mat stepping out of the shower, feeling the smooth skin of someone, a breeze of wind

21. Sense of taste - for letting me savor fruits, chocolate, steak, and pasta 

22. Having a bed to sleep on at night 

23. Any mistakes I make and the opportunity they present to learn from and improve

24. Pay day!

25. Living with fun and happy roommates 

26. Cooking an amazing meal - most recently, pan seared chicken and baked broccoli

27. Drinking a couple glasses of red wine

28. Everything about dogs

29. Dog spotting group on Facebook (yes look it up)

30. Going with a gut decision and turning out to be right 

31. Fast wifi

32. Everything I've done to get me to where I am

33. Meditation

34. Religion - I am not religious but joy, faith, love, happiness, meaning, and words of kindness span across all religions. Some downfalls have happened "in the name" of religion or god, but the values most religions teach help so many people.

35. Books - authors spend years of their life refining and shaping their best discoveries in life so anyone can benefit from them.

36. Social media - rekindling lost connections, making new ones, and giving voice to the unheard

37. Watching a snowstorm in the winter

38. Christmas season - family, Christmas movies and songs, joy and cheer, waking up that morning, and everything in between

39. A healthy mind - being able to think clearly, ambitiously and empathetically  

40. Tailgate and football season

41. Cold showers to wake you up and hot showers to relax

42. A full battery charge

43. Museums - art, history, science, nature

44. Extra fries at the bottom of the bag

45. Sleeping like an absolute rock and waking up refreshed and happy

46. Stars in the sky and stargazing conversations

47. The USA

48. Drive in movie theaters 

49. Backyard BBQs

50. Laughter

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