024: The Opposite of Busy is Focused
Being busy is widely considered a virtue by today's standards. "The hustle", being on the run, and not being lazy all seem like good things don't they? I mean hundreds of different people and motivational speakers and managers and bosses always say to push yourself ... work harder. But think about this; busy is not always beneficial. Being busy means your attention is divided on different tasks. "Being busy" is such a common thing the mental capacity it takes up doesn't seem like much, but that capacity is crucial to succeeding at what you're doing. 10% focus on five different things does not do more than 80% focus on one thing. Instead of being busy, aim to be focused. Don't scatter yourself, immerse yourself.
"Value attention over time".
A lot of this idea has to do with clearing your head space and allowing it to focus deeply on what you want. Even if it seems like it, a long day of being busy isn't always a day well spent. After you come home from work you actually should be more energized than disconnected. The opposite of busy is not relaxed. Immersion, flow and focus is the goal here. The process of thriving in one thing you're doing, instead of chipping away at an endless list of tasks, is what is important. Now, it's important to still note the menial tasks you have to do everyday aren't suddenly bad. What you need to do is different than what you want to do. Do the small things you need to do everyday, but don't exhaust yourself in them. Don't give your partial attention to mundane tasks all day. Let go of the idea that you have to do everything right now! Idea: pick out one thing a day that you just aren't going to do. Clear that space in your head. Take that pressure off of yourself. Giving constant partial attention to things is always worse than your full attention on and off (expansion and contraction). What I am trying to do in my life is focus more on the core of what I enjoy. I often become so cluttered with things that seem important I find myself only spinning my wheels. I don't want to be busy, I want to be focused.
"Fit the little stuff around the big things".
"Busy: How to thrive in a world of too much" by Tony Crabbe