019: I Love Mornings
There's something about waking up early in the morning knowing you have a full and bright day ahead of you. There's something special about the opportunity and possibility before you set off to tackle the day. I love waking up and looking out of the window, seeing the blue sky, hearing cars pass by on the street, and watching people walking to work. Sometimes the most blissful thing in the world for me is making a cup of coffee, filling up my bottle of water, sitting on my porch and thinking of all the things I could do today.
I'd choose sunrise over sunset every day of the week, and twice on Sundays. There's not too much more to why I love mornings besides just how happy I am to think they are going to happen every single day for the rest of my life. No matter how bad things seem or how put down you feel, the next morning will always begin with a sunrise and fresh opportunity. It's so vital to find something that motivates you to be better than the day before ... it can be anything! I've found writing down my goals for the day (instead of a bothersome checklist) motivates me to impress myself and love the process of the day. Maybe meditating on your porch and breathing in the morning air could also open you up to the joy of mornings.
Gratitude and perspective are amazing tools to use when the sun wakes up. I've built into my system to practice being grateful when I see the morning sky and sun. I am grateful for being alive, for being young and healthy, for being able to see and feel the sun, for it being summer, for living where I do, having a job and family, for being able to eat breakfast, and the list goes on and on. This perspective on life gets me out of bed each morning and primes me for the day. Being able to smile when I wake up instead of sigh is the foundation of a great day. I am passionate about having great days. Days I am happy to fall asleep to at night. I want everyone around me to feel the sunshine and love as much as I do.
Challenge: Spread that love. Spread your sunshine and passion. Wake up like it's the last day of your life and do what you want to do. Take a second to feel how good and fresh the morning is and make one persons day better by sharing the feeling. THEN SHARE with me how it went. Comment below lets talk!