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012: 50 things I'm curious about

1. If you buy a house, how far down below the Earth do you own?

2. How many times have I narrowly escaped death without knowing it?

3. How many different universes are there? What are they like?

4. The networks trees' and plants communicate through 

5. How a car engine works 

6. The Amazon rain forest 

7. Latin dancing and the culture and people involved 

8. What dogs think about or how they process information and make decisions 

9. How animated movies are made: the first steps, movements, shading, different dimensions and layers, adding voice

10. The percentage of the population today that identifies with some type mental illness compared to 50, 100, 1000 years ago 

11. How societies are going to change their approach to elderly care with the coming generations (i.e. tackling loneliness, sense of lost purpose, healthcare)

12. Solar power: how much power it produces today, how fast it's expanding, the Tesla solar roof tiles and home applications to solar power

13. Augmented reality's impact and use over the next 20 years 

14. The thrill of kite surfing

15. Alligator and crocodile wrestling 

16. What today will be remembered in history for 

17. The country with the youngest/oldest populations and why

18. Philosophies and ideologies of people in isolated cultures like North Korea or island tribes

19. Different styles of architecture

20. How submarines even work

21. The deep sea: predators and prey, bio-luminescence, the deepest point in the ocean

22. Business marketing: influencer marketing, social media, one-to-one engagement, CMOs and why they have trouble in that position, the science and art of marketing

23. How meditation changes and affects the brain

24. The willpower muscle

25. Master craftsmanship: woodworking, glass blowing, blacksmiths, artists

26. The passing down of knowledge from generation to generation

27. How vinyl records were made and how they work

28. The Roaring 20s: dance, culture, wealth distribution, stock markets, societal norms 

29. Dancing styles and parties throughout the 20th century

30. The unconscious brain: how it works with and relates to the conscious brain, "autopilot" modes, consciously shaping the unconscious, intuition

31. Brain activity while people are making life or death decisions

32. Social intelligence: social capital, persistence, self-amusement, and reference experience 

33. The Himalayas and countries surrounding them (i.e. Western China)

34. Buddhist culture, philosophies, day to day life, and meditation

35. Different levels of energy that exist, i.e. we can only see one frequency of light 

36. Luminism-style painting and art

37. Ancient Greek culture 

38. The idea of a technology singularity (This source is a great guide) 

39. The theory that no two people experience color the same; like you're red is how I see blue and how another person sees yellow but we've all learned to just call it red

40. The cosmic horizon: the furthest we can see in the universe is the further light has traveled since the beginning of time and everything is still expanding

41. The human concept of time 

42. What would happen if Earth lost its gravity?

43. The extraordinary leaps into space travel that will be made within the coming years and space privatization like SpaceX

44. Mapping the night sky

45. Human happiness

46. Stoicism

47. Airplanes, hot air balloons, and everything about flying

48. Dreaming at night

49. Big ideas and big thinkers

50.. How curiosity, alongside so many other things, only begets more curiosity

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