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001: About me


First of all, thank you for finding your way here and spending real time to read what I write. I hope to help, inspire, or bring humor to every person this can reach. 

My name is Justin D. Lobb. I grew up in the great Midwest and currently find myself in the South land. I started in the humble hometown of Temperance, Michigan and am now an undergrad at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. Along with studying business I enjoy almost all aspects of learning, and am extremely curious by nature. Social dynamics, human nature, technology, business markets, comedy, and learning to write a blog are some of my current interests. This blog is a humble experiment where I hope to consistently document the ideas or thoughts I have daily.  I have no means to an end here and ask for nothing but your curiosity alongside mine. If you'd like to reach out to me please do not hesitate! Email me at

"Live generously and life will treat you royally"  -Crown Royal


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