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Ideas -- June 15 2016

I've always been keen to document ideas and thoughts that seem notably interesting, and also taking notes from various sources. This is a collection from June 2016 back to about as far as I can remember.


Successful businesses

-Give, give, give out free content (newsletters, videos, ideas, foundations to build on, etc.)

-Be confident and interested in the work you are doing. If you don't believe in it, why will anyone else?

-People need to feel understood and genuinely cared about. Ask questions you very much care to hear the answer to.

-Offer unique value.

-People's attention and time is more valuable than their money.

-Be grateful. Say thank you.

-Don't market to the masses. It's better to have 10 lifelong customers than 100 that just saw your brand and brushed it off.



-Leadership starts deep inside the leader. When a leader has the utter core-confidence in their ideals and convictions, they become an emanating light from which their peers can trust, follow, build off of, and learn from. Successful leadership does not seek others. People are never convinced to reluctantly follow a leader. Instead, an effective leader is one who shows complete trust in their plans and creates space for others to genuinely enjoy learning from and following them. A leader or group of leaders cultivates the same energy and enthusiasm they have for their ideas in their followers. Leadership is not always someone who works harder and longer, but someone who steps outside normality and familiarity to inspire others. Leadership is innovation, creativity, creation, passion, love, and success. Leadership is never individual.

-Bringing others along on your journey because you know it will benefit them, you, and everyone involved. Leadership is always for the betterment of your community (even at the cost of yourself).

-Leaders must first learn to lead themselves to understand how to lead others.

-There is no step-by-step formula for leadership.

-Followers must want to follow, not be convinced of it. They will never put their full energy towards the goal unless they know they need to.

-Leaders are grounded in their environment, energy, and ultimate goal. Negativity is bound to test them, but they know how to not be affected by it.

"Be the change you want to see it the world" -Ghandi



These are philosophical thoughts and ideas typed out to the flow of my thought process. No ideas are edited, but merely presented how I experienced them. Nothing that serious.

-Ethos, pathos, and logos hold a lot of truth under their definitions.

-We can control everything that happens to us and the direction our lives go completely. Our unconscious brain (old, instinctive, primal brain) and higher conscious brain (decision-making, frontal lobes) subliminally communicate and decide how we go about everything we do. We go towards what we think we deserve, reach for what we believe we can easily have, and lay out our lives for ourselves unconsciously—while most usually blame it on outside influences. Life is in your control. Understand your unconscious and tap into the power of a congruent mind.

-You create the world you want to live in just like you sleep in the bed you make. The energy you put out is what you will get back.

-Now is the envy of all the dead. Live.

-Everyone, including myself for the most part, identify themselves by the results they are getting instead of the action they are taking. Results are something unpredictable and nowhere near central to yourself, rather your action taking momentum and skills are what define you. You can never be happy basing your identify off of results and decisions of others (that’s external), focus on what you can control and execute—take action (that’s internal and who you are).

-There is a niche of people in this world that came here and are so intensely/genuinely good that they change it (altruistic). I believe every human is possible of this but only a few solve the puzzle of how to actually cultivate and use it for an abundant amount of good. You can see it in the sparkle of their eyes, the way they’re so humbly happy and passionate, and how often they enter flow states. I believe I am on the path to there. Now for the most part this will be taken as some type of boasting, but the people I’m talking about will understand this is a celebration, not a means to an end. I hope to change this world in a very positive way. It may be for millions of people or 2, but I will do it.

-Flow states and presence are the most euphoric of states. For our brain to completely focus and go into a deep and rich energetic symphony and celebration is more than incredible. Completely silent and alert. Meditation helps with this a lot.

-Self improvement, or getting to the core of yourself, is like looking into the treasure chest of gold you've been sitting on but could never find, like finally peeling off the layers of the onion and seeing who you really are. Like finally realizing you can just pull the door open instead of just pushing and pushing and pushing.

-Unless you can lose it, you don’t really have it. Unless you can put it down and pick it back up again you don’t possess it—it possess you. Have nothing to lose. Be bold.

-Life if short in the most beautiful way—be wild, be bold, be ambitious, and for fucks sake do not take it so seriously.

-Life is nothing but perspective. I imagine life sometimes as a white orb emitting its purest and best light; every being surrounds the sphere and therefore each living being has its own perspective of it. But because humans have conscious recognition we can sometimes chose or skew our interpretation of this beautiful gift of life (i.e. depression, anxiety, mental disorders). Change your perspective, change your life.

-Never save yourself for tomorrow, live for today.


Success in life

-Jump in with both feet when doing anything--just go for it. You have to be your own leader; all the weight of success/failure is on you. Burn your boats before storming the island and you will never lose.

-Never get in your own way. Your assumptions and thoughts about what you "need" to do to move forward are not real (they're called success barriers). Nothing is holding you back. Evaluate where you are at to move forward effectively, but never build a barrier in front of you.

-Offer value in everything you do.

-Continually amuse yourself instead of looking to outside stimulus for good emotions. Find what makes you laugh and enjoy yourself, and continually do that.

-Present yourself authentically at all times.

-Play to WIN. Not to not lose. (These are subtle but game-changing mindsets)

-If you surround yourself with unimportant people or ideas, you get unimportant results.

-Idea: A platform to connect big-minded people, optimists, natural leaders, large-scale thinkers, creative people, etc. It can connect mentors with ambitious people who want to learn. A community of great people.

-Mentors are essential to success.

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